
Quote from book

"So I guess we are who we are for a lot of reasons. And maybe we'll never know most of them. But even if we don't have the power to choose where we come from, we can still choose where we go from there. We can still do things. And we can try to feel okay about them."
-The Perks of Being a Wallflower

I like that. Quote from book. Very simple. And written from the view of a high school kid. Choose where you go. Do things. Try and feel ok about them. Incomplete sentences. The only way to write. Thinking about a new signature to end my posts with since I don't think I have one. I might try a few out soon. Or now. Can't think of anything. Here.



ad astra per aspera

We will never be content. To say so would either be lying or a complete mastery of life. The latter harder to do. And by harder, I mean impossible. We are always getting to the next step. Finding our next challenge and conquering it. Like a video game. A never-ending quest for self-gratification. Unless you live for someone, or something, else. One of the main reasons for my faith. Which most people cannot comprehend. When I stopped living life for myself, I started to understand things. Life was easier. There is a purpose. From an atheist perspective, this sounds silly. But doesn't living for yourself just to die and return to nothing sound pretty lonely? We are all going to die some day. There are no exceptions to this rule. To the people that say I am wrong (because I never will), does it not sound better to live with hope? Hope for something. Anything. Other than living to die for nothing. Solomon had anything a person living for himself could ask for. He had wealth, wisdom, power, and women. The four things all dudes want. But in the end, he realized it was all worthless. He was going to die. And none of it was coming with him. There is nothing new under the sun. Solomon, while having everything, had nothing. He had no more hope. In today's society, it is much harder to follow commandments. But doing so yields rewards. We have no signs. We have no plagues. No one hears the booming voice of God. But I do have hope. I know that I am living for something more than myself. It is difficult, and sometimes seems pointless. But I cannot get through challenges and difficulties knowing there will continue to be more. And more. And then some more. Until I die. And then there will be nothing. I will never be content on earth looking for worldly pleasures. I look for the future above the sun. Life will be difficult. But you get to the stars through difficulty. And you get through the difficulty through hope and faith.

per difficultas per fides


The radio is just awful

Music is the single greatest thing in life. There is nothing else even close. I am, however, troubled. I am troubled by today's top 40 radio. The lyrics are senseless. The melodies have been done before. I do not understand how anyone can connect to these songs. What the heck is the deal with Kesha? All she's doing is a less tasteful version of the B-52s. She gets up there and talks to music that engineers and producers create. Why is she famous?

Am I just "weird" for thinking that real music should be more popular? Riddle me this, if you will...why is all "good" music considered Indie because it actually has melodies and lyrics that aren't about partying and stealing boyfriends? What happened to talent being praised? I get in discussions with people about what makes a song or band good. I don't always listen to music to hear a catchy hook or something that makes me want to dance. Because I dance all the time. I listen for talent. I listen for grooves. I listen for heartfelt and poetic lyrics. I listen for melody. And apparently, that means I like Indie bands.

Have you ever heard of The Reign of Kindo? If you haven't, go to youtube and search for the song Hold Out. Go. Right now. Do it. Thank me later. They are incredible musicians being left in the dark by today's upbeat society. You can listen to the same song 5 times in a row, each instrument at a time, and get a whole new perspective. I wonder if I'm just getting old. I grew up to people telling me I need to listen to classic rock and appreciate it. And I mean...yea. It's good. It set the stage for a lot of music I listen to now. But it's simple. And I can't stand the vocals. Freddy Mac, and Steve Perry are some of the exceptions. I just made that nickname up for my man Freddie. Doesn't really even make sense, but I like it. Back to my question of whether or not I'm just getting old. I don't think it's that. The difference between classic rock and today's rock is subtle, really. Better vocals. More intricate parts. Waaaaaayyyy better drums. But it's still rock. Today's pop radio is none of that. 4 on the floor drums. Weird synths. Catchy vocal melodies, yes. But terrible lyrics to go along with those. You don't even have to have the ability to sing. Kesha being example one, Fergie being example 2. I can make just about any voice sound like the next big thing in my personal studio with Pro Tools. I have a plug in that gives you a virtual throat that you can make longer, shorter, fatter, or slimmer. Not to mention pitch correction and just warping in general. Digital recording has killed good music. Being an engineer, I can hear pitch correction in every song on the radio. Mostly because the engineers and producers are just awful. It's like they don't even try.

So, since at least 2 people read this, I'm going to give you a few bands that you have to listen to. Some you may have heard of. Some, maybe not. But this is music. This is what it's supposed to be. These are real lyrics that you can connect with. These are songs that give you feelings other than wanting to party and drink a lot. Do yourself a favor and take a listen. I've classified them into the genre I think best fits.

Bands you might not have heard of
The Reign of Kindo - Jazz Rock
Mumford and Sons - Folk
Brett Detar - Folk/Americana with incredible vocals
A Fine Frenzy - Chick with a ridiculous voice
Hanson (yes...still making music, and very good)
Lydia - Soothing rock with a punch

Top 10 past and present
1. Jimmy Eat World
2. Anberlin
3. Blink -182
4. Copeland
5. The Format
6. Motion City Soundtrack
7. Acceptance
8. The Juliana Theory
9. The Classic Crime
10. Death Cab for Cutie

Listen to these bands. All of them are my definition of what music should be. If you disagree, you are most likely wrong. Because my opinion is the best. And if you like Kesha...you are what is wrong with the world.


Shout out

Hey. Shout out to whoever it is in New York that reads my blog. I don't think we are friends because I don't think I know anybody in New York. But hey...I appreciate you. Also thanks to anyone who still reads this with interest. There's a point where an online journal, aka this blog, cannot be an exact journal of my thoughts and feelings. Because some things are meant to be kept private. In today's social media world, I forget that sometimes. Shut up. Just stop talking. Nobody cares. You're still typing? Yes, self. I am. I'm not divulging any sweet gossip or feelings. If you're looking for that you're in the wrong place. What I am doing is wasting your time. And possibly my own since I am not quite on the edge of passing out. Instead, I am in bed with my book on my chest typing away. Perhaps trying to get to that point where I can immediately reach sleep. Perhaps because I enjoy pretending someone is listening to me at this exact moment. I do that sometimes. Sometimes? Sorry...most of the time. I pretend someone is listening to me speak right now. And, just like I think before I speak, I think before I type. But not enough to matter. At the risk of sounding creepy, I know the main people that read this. And I think of certain people when I type. And pretend I'm talking to them. Because this is easier than actually talking. This is easier than striking up an actual conversation. With actual topics. This is easier than dealing with consequences. This is easier than trying to decipher sincerity. This is easier than real life. Because real life can't leave anything open. Everyone has to finish their book and close it with full understanding. Before moving onto the next. But more than all of that...some things are just unspoken. Sometimes we just know. But most of the time, we don't act. We can type. But we can't choose. We eventually have to close the book. But why? I like leaving them open to the pages that I enjoyed the most. I fold them down and highlight them. Just in case there was something I missed. There always is. We always miss the most important part. The main objective. It's always better the second time around because we know more. We know what was. We know what is to come. But then we notice something in the present that we did not before. And that is the key to it all. If this makes sense, I'll be happy. Publish with no regrets. Ready, go.