
Reality television has hit a new low. A lower low.

I tried in 140 characters. It didn't work out very well. This blog will be in real time. I opened up Yahoo news and the headline was something about Jon and Kate. I never watched the show. Never asked about the show. But it was getting annoying seeing them all over every site. What I've gathered from the things I've seen unintentionally is: They were married, now they are not, and just recently Jon stood up to Kate. About what, I do not know. It sounds to me like a marriage problem. Not sure why that grabs the attention of millions of people. So now...I am going to go find out what makes them attractive. Stay tuned.

Ok. Wikipedia tells me the show was about a couple with 8 kids. Jon was caught cheating, and they got a divorce. That's it? They weren't celebrities or anything? I know people with more than 8 kids now. They don't have the world following their every move. This show sounds like a glorified episode of Cheaters mixed and a long background.

Have we, as a society, become so numb to life that we actually care about two people that are making no difference in the world, offering no real entertainment, and having marriage problems? 42% of marriages end in divorce. This is nothing new. And for some reason I have sympathy for the two. Not because of their problems, but because they are being glorified on television and the internet for every move they make. I have even more sympathy for the 9.8 viewers, plus all of the people that caught up online later. I'll be the first to admit that the programs that I watch aren't always the most educational. But they're at least truly entertaining. Most of them fictional (with the exception of the ones that are actually educational) but no reality. I mean come on...this isn't even a good idea. Big brother has an idea that can be entertaining to some. Trading Spouses is a unique idea. Who pitched this? The conversation in that meeting had to be close to the following:

"Hey I got an idea...let's invade the lives this normal couple with 8 kids, build up sympathy of a hard life, then wait until we drive them clinically insane and they do something entertaining."

Sounds about right to me. I have a new pitch for a reality show of equal attraction that I've been working on in my spare time. It's called "The not so entertaining life of Matt Barnes". Here's a time line of one of the episodes. I wake up. Go to the bathroom. Drive to class. Read paper instead of taking notes. Drive home. Eat on the recliner while watching TV. Spill some spaghetti on my shirt. Change shirts. Shoot some golf balls in the backyard. Drive around for 8 hours at work. Come home. Go to sleep. Oh, and I'll be tweeting throughout the day. Who would watch that? Brainwashed consumers who also watched Jon and Kate.

It's just ridiculous to me. Probably because I haven't been watching it and getting sucked into crap that doesn't matter at all. Do they actually have box sets of these? There's 5 seasons! Really??? I am going to move to the mountains like Mark Wahlberg did on shooter. The entertainment world is selling out. It won't be long until The Truman Show becomes reality because all other incredibly dumb ideas have already been used.

Feel free to post hate comments about why you love Jon and Kate so much. Also how I'm an unsympathetic jerk with no feelings. Just include the part about how you befitted from caring about them. I would like to read them.

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