

Even though nothing really is going on right now in this head of mine, I thought I would update. The only thing I'm thinking about is money right now. That along with, touring, girls, printing CDs, getting a job, and realizing I don't have that much to do. But money is priority one. This summer hasn't been all to exciting, but I can't complain. It's a nice change of pace. Plus I get to hang out with people that I don't get to see very often in the school year. I think I'm getting sick. I'm coughing a lot. There is no room for this. Something must be done. Aliyah decided to visit today and sat up by herself for the first time. She's awesome. Just coughed again...and another. Maybe I should start getting more sleep instead of posting a blog near 4 in the morning. There's a song by The Used I could quote here but it has a bad word in it. I'm starting to think that rearranging the keys on my laptop was a bad idea. Especially when I'm laying down with it on my stomach. I'm not using correct typing posture. There goes another cough. Night...

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