
Who am I?

Sometimes I catch myself dozing off into another world otherwise known as my thoughts, and today, I thought about who I was. What kind of impact will I have on the world 400 years from now? Will I be remembered at all? Not that I want myself to be glorified in any way. It's just strange to think about.
Sure, I could write songs. People will know me by that. But paper will end up withering away, song's become outdated, CD's will stop playing. Come to think of it, CD's will be obsolete. Especially with bit depths and sample rate's becoming bigger and not capable of going on a cd. Sorry about that...my point being, nothing I do will matter hundreds of years from now. I'm not going to take over a country, or rule the world. I will leave no long lasting legacy behind.
Think about it. Name one famous athlete from before say...700 B.C. (the olympics were started in 776) can be named. If any maybe one or 2. They had documentation. They had people keeping records, yet they have been lost. The server to this very blog will go down one day. Everything I do will one day be lost and I will just be another grain of sand in the desert.
With that in mind, what can I do to make an impact while I'm alive? At least for a few years after I die, I would like for someone to be influenced in some way by something I did. I have a feeling I'm going to have to get out of this mundane life and actually do something. But there's the catch 22. I can't make an impact if I am not inspired, and I'm not inspired if I don't think I can make an impact.
Who knows, maybe I already have. I think I'm doing poorly in school, because this is how I pass the time during lectures. I might not have grades, but I'm pretty sure I can think a lot better than a lot of people.

With that being said I could go off on another tangent. About the fact that today's society is based upon academic success. That's lunacy. Someone with a 4.0 might have better work ethic because they study all the time and get the job done. But it has almost nothing to do with intelligence. Intelligence is the capacity for learning, reasoning, understanding, and similar forms of mental activity or aptitude in grasping truths, relationships, facts, meanings, etc. I might not remember what kind of star a black dwarf is, but I'm pretty sure I can grasp truth's facts, meanings and such, that actually serve a purpose in my life. And since I don't need to know what the earth is made of to make it through my life, why should I have to learn about it?
If there was a school or a major that was made just for me, it would be called Intelligence of Things That Actually Matter. It would be a combination of Philosophy, Music, Psychology, Religion, and Sociology. Those are the things that matter to me. If I could figure out what makes people the way they are, why I think the way I do, and how to spread God's love to those that need it, I will be perfectly content with life. Who cares if I don't know the weight of helium? Who cares if I know the proper way to say certain words. These classes are pointless and a waste of my life.
The problem is, society has made it such an imperative thing to go to school, get a degree in something that will pay out, and sit behind a desk from 8-5 every day until you retire. Meanwhile, I'd rather spend my life seeking truth. Seeking something that matters. I see a person that gives up on their dreams and gives in to society as more ignorant than I am. I use ignorant lightly and don't mean it as stupid or not as smart as me, but lacking knowledge in certain things. The people who have never stopped to think for one second...why am I here? And if they do, they answer it with, to do what everyone else does. If you can't think for yourself, and make your own choices, you can have the highest grades in the world and they will mean absolutely nothing.
Grades mean nothing if you don't know why you're on earth. They mean nothing if you don't see a purpose for your life. 20 years after I die, there will not be a single person that will say "hey he graduated with a 4.0" (even though I lost that one from day one). Hopefully, there will be something said about me. Something that has meaning. Think outside the box next time you're bored. You'll be surprised.

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