
If you pretend to like Jesus, you can eat lunch with the cool kids

You know what really makes me mad? When people walk diagonally across a parking lot. But they also walk really slow. Aware that you are right behind them about to run them over. But not caring. That has nothing to do with what I'm about to talk about. I just don't care for it.

First off, since I've realized that people might actually read this that don't know me, let me say this. 90 percent of the things that I talk about, I am guilty of as well. I hope that no one takes this the wrong way and thinks that I am just slamming religion, church, or other people. Most of the time, I write about problems that I myself are experiencing. I do not think myself to be better than any other person alive. I am not writing to offend anyone. I am not writing to condemn anyone. And I am sharing what I believe.

I was thinking the other day about how often I fail God. My self control is basically non existent. I'm falling into a routine. I hate routines. It's always the same. But it's a routine of failure that makes it even worse. And I hope I'm not the only one that does this because I would feel like a chump, but let's be honest...have you ever caught yourself saying, "well at least I don't sin as much as Sinny Mcgee over there?" I do that when I feel like I'm slipping away more than usual. I guess to make myself feel better about sinning. Whatever the reason, it's stupid. But the funny thing is, I realize that it's stupid. Yet do it anyway. But regardless of whether you think you do or not, it's human nature to compare ourselves to others constantly. I've written a lot about this recently but in regards to worldly things. Think about how often people are comparing themselves spiritually. Well it must be ok to do that because he is. Or I'm a better Christian because I don't do that. We fall into this so bad, that we forget who we are supposed to be striving to live for. It becomes a race to better another person rather than serve God, which is the entire reason we are alive and here in the first place.

Remember the W.W.J.D. bracelets? Those were cool in like 5th grade. But did anyone really ever wear them as a reminder that we are supposed to strive to live like Jesus? Obviously it is impossible to do so, but that's what we should be going for. Basketball players strive to be like Michael Jordan. Golf players strive to be like Tiger. They study his swing, and everything he does in order to attempt and recreate it. So why is it that we often find ourselves looking at other people to guide us other than Jesus. Isn't God a little bit more important than a sport? Which by the way is another way of attempting to better someone for no real reason. But seriously, think about that. Jesus was a fad. You were cooler if you had one of those bracelets. I remember...I was there. I wanted one. But not because it was a reminder to be like Jesus. It was so I could eat lunch with the cool kids.

The thing about looking up to other people is that they will eventually fail. Even pastors will make mistakes and let you down. Pastors are involved in sex scandals, and treasurers or book keepers embezzel money from offerings. No one is perfect, so why should we look up to them for guidance? Not saying having a role model is bad. And also not saying that all preachers are going to make mistakes. I'm just saying that people fail. Jesus didn't fail. He lived a life without sin. A perfect life. Yet I haven't heard anyone saying what would Jesus do in a really long time. It's almost like aiming to be like Jesus was a fad, just like the bracelets. Speaking of fads, remeber pogs? What happened to those? And instead of looking to Him for guidance, we turn to other people. Probably because we can relate to them and see and hear them. But maybe it's just because we forgot. Maybe it's because our competitive nature overshadows it and the first thing that comes to our mind is what would this person do? Or as long as I don't do what he did, I'm ok. Sinning is not ok. No matter who does it. If the pope sins, it's not ok because he's the pope. It's still a sin. And that's what some people are forgetting. Mostly because they see another Christian sin, and believe they can do the same. Like I said before, I do it all the time. Thank God for his compassion and grace. Or we would all be screwed.

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