
Hello readers. it's time for another text update. This really doesn't have a point. i'm just trying to update more often to make myself feel important. i'm laying in bed. Iron and Wine is slowly dripping away all consciousness. I am currently in recovery mode. i'm trying to get my life back on track financially, mentally, and physically. It seems like it's been a long time since i've been able to breathe. Just sigh and know that everything is going to work out. i'm going to make rent. i'm going to get this paper done. i'm going to get my car fixed. I will get my hard drive data back. Does it ever stop though? i'm handling it, mind you. i'm not complaining. i'm just wondering...will it ever just stop? Even if only for a day. Maybe i'll renegotiate when i turn 68. But for now, i can't take the speed. Anyone catch the reference? 10 points if you did. If not, listen to the playlist on the right. it's in there. Anyway (there's no S at the end. Its not a word. Stop doing that, society) it's about time to go unconscious. The only time in my life when this train does stop. If you still don't get the theme...i'm not colorblind.

My new excuse for excessive tweeting and blogging is to get in some daily thumb exercises. QWERTY keypads get the job done.

Also, tomorrow is Tuesday and we all know what that means! Actually you probably don't. And neither do I. Stay tuned for when I find out. And by find out, I mean think of something

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