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I had all these great things to post. Dumb stuff really. Nothing of value. Problem is, I ran out of mediums. So now I'm here. Let's see what comes to mind when I start typing (Warning - might be a complete waste of your time). Remember that song Peaches? By The Presidents of the United States of America? That song ruled. I had the cassette tape. On the B-Side was Candy Cigarette. Who remembers tapes? It wasn't until CDs came out that we realized how annoying it was to have to rewind and fast forward. In today's music, I would not have lasted. Hardly will I find an album that doesn't have a few skip songs. Unless it's Anberlin, Kindo, Motion City, The Format, or Copeland. What about mix tapes? Remember those? I used to listen to Rick Dee's weekly top 40 on WZYP every friday night. I made mixes of songs that included but were not limited to: Barenaked Ladies - One Week, The Offspring - Americana, Fastball - The Way, Radiohead - Karma Police, Blink-182 - What's My Age Again, Blessid Union of Souls - Hey Leonardo, and U2 - Sweetest thing. Funny how I still have all those songs on my iPod. And I still listen to them. This was also a time where MTV had something to do with music. Why not change the name? I'll come up with something more fitting...FPAUTV. Fortunate People Acting Unfortunate TV. My blog earlier about how annoying Jon and Kate are proved my point that people watch this and care more than seeing a music video. I miss the 90's. Not really though because now we have cell phones, Twitter, Pro Tools 8, Futurama, and video games that don't look like screen shots of paper. One thing I do miss is gas. I wasn't driving then. But I remember it being 79 cents a gallon. I would have been able to drive to Tuscaloosa and back for 8 dollars. Speaking of...why does my 17 year old car get better gas mileage than anything other than hybrids out today? Shouldn't they have fixed that by now. I mean, come on...it's been 17 years. Either the oil companies are paying big bucks behind the scenes, or the auto industry has just failed.

Anyway. That's my random rant. Sorry for wasting your time. Hey, let's try comments. If you grew up in the 90's (and I don't mean you were 8 in 1999) post your favorite/least favorite thing about it. Then tell me how that makes you feel. After I asses your comment, I expect a 2 page, double spaced, 12 point Times New Roman paper explaining why that made an impact on your life. 5 sources min. One has to be a book.

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