
I Hate Halloween.

I don't think there is another holiday I hate more than Halloween. Call me a party pooper, but it really is ridiculous. Halloween, like almost every holiday, has strayed far away from it's origin. Briefly, it is derived from a Celtic holiday in which they wore costumes and masks to disguise themselves to ward off evil spirits. Don't really think that's what we're doing now. But that's beside the point. I don't care where it came from. My problem is that it's just stupid.

So let me get this straight. I'm supposed to go to the store and buy a few bags of candy so I can hand them out to strangers that are dressed in ridiculous outfits because they knock on the door and interrupt me from watching television? They didn't do anything to deserve this candy. What if I want it? I paid for it. Not that I ever do get interrupted because I turn off my porch light. But one year I forgot and the same kids knocked on my door and saw me through the window. When I didn't get up (I was in the middle of an online NCAA Football match on PS2) they just kept knocking. Even after I told them to go away. Where are their parents? I finally got fed up and gave them packs of Ramen noodles. True story. And fuel to the fire of why I hate Halloween so much. Yea, you can say it's my fault for leaving the porch light on. But I shouldn't have to turn my porch light off in order to fight off kids that want candy. Even as an adult, people still want you to dress up. I show up to work. "Hey, why didn't you dress up?" "Uhh...because I'm 23." Driving is a hassle. All of the neighborhoods are filled with kids running in the streets and parents in cars blocking them and yelling at you if you drive over 5 mph. Haunted houses are another thing. "Hey let's pay this guy 20 bucks to get the crap scared out of us!" How does that work? Pay me 10 bucks and I'll make you pee your pants. Call me a weenie, but getting scared isn't my thing. I should rephrase. I know that the dude with the chainsaw is not real. I know I am not going to get murdered. I hate being startled. It is not an enjoyable feeling. I don't know why it is for anyone. Whenever I'm startled, I immediately instinctively punch the thing that startled me. I've never been startled by something and afterward thought...hey, that was pretty awesome. Why would I pay for someone to do that to me? I can go to a pirate website and watch a scary movie for free.

I think it's absolutely ridiculous that people spend so much money on this crap. I guess it's good because it stimulates the economy, but come on. People decorate their yards! And that stuff isn't cheap. Why are you spending all of this money for one night? These costumes aren't cheap either. If you have 3 spoiled kids, you're going to be spending over 100 dollars. For something they'll never wear again.

Girls are the worst. I know this isn't news to anyone, but for them, it's an excuse to dress like a stripper. Since when did a witch have cleavage? Don't get me wrong, I don't mind looking. But it's like one big slut-fest in which every girl tries to out-slut the other one. But for some reason, since it's Halloween, it's acceptable. These costumes are also expensive. As the really slutty ones are at least $50 bucks.

All of this...for what? Most people don't even know where Halloween came from. It's the only holiday I can think of that the majority of people celebrating it can't tell you why. People spend money to decorate their yards and don't even know why. It's almost embarrassing that we celebrate something like this. It makes absolutely no sense. For those saying I'm a party pooper and that I can't have fun...yes I can. I don't need a holiday or an excuse to have fun. I can have fun whenever I want. Halloween is on a Sunday night. So people that have to go to school or work on Monday are going to be miserable. How about I stay up late and have a good time on Friday night, then have all Saturday to sit around and watch football. You go out and celebrate a pointless holiday and hate your life all day on Monday. I'll have an extra 100 dollars in my pocket that I didn't spend on a costume, candy, and decorations. And by Tuesday, life will be normal and the fact that you spent all that money won't even matter. Are you going to wear your slutty nurse outfit to work? Didn't think so. But I hate days like this in which you feel like you are forced to have a good time just because it's a holiday. What if I don't feel good? What if it doesn't go well? You then hate the fact that you have to wait until the next planned good time to have any fun.

But by the last paragraph, I mean just that. I'm not hating on people that do celebrate it. I'm hating on the holiday itself. So don't take this personally if you love Halloween. But when I can't enjoy my normal day because of it, it makes me a bit angry. You go out and have fun. Do your thing. It's your life. My whole point of this is to tell you why I hate it. And why I think it's stupid. I bet half the people that celebrate it don't really enjoy it. They just do it because everyone else is. You can't go to costume parties without dressing up. I think dressing up is stupid. If you don't spend a lot of money or think of something good, you're that weirdo that nobody talks to. Why can't we just have a normal party?

Anyway, there's my rant. Don't argue with me because I'm pretty set on what I think. Any argument about this particular post will be discarded. Because there is nothing you can say that will convince me to like Halloween. It will only make me more angry.

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