
Please read...and donate

My brother was taking his girlfriend back to college when two cars wrecked in front of him and he couldn't stop in time. They are both physically ok, but the car burst into flames and destroyed a lot of Kaylee's clothes, shoes, and personal belongings, including an art portfolio that cannot be replaced. I feel awful for them, and seeing as I don't have a lot of money I figured it was worth a shot to see how much I could do with social networking. I don't know what it would feel like to have my personal belongings burn up, but I can guess that having some extra spending money would make the process a bit easier. If you've ever been in an accident, you know how long and annoying the process of collecting insurance money is. I just want to help her out as much as I can, so please. Donate what you can. Even if it's only a dollar. It will mean a lot to both of them. You can use any major credit card, and it's all going straight to her. Thanks to everyone, and keep Kaylee and Toph in your prayers.

The donation period is now over due to the fact that I had to transfer the money to my bank account. Thank you all for your amazing generosity.

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