
Man. Tonight was good. It was like getting good closure from a breakup with a girl. Not like a bad one where you're sad for a while and don't eat. But one where you're content with the way tingp ended. I already wrote my heartfelt goodbye to Copeland in a previous entry so i'll try not to get to deep for the sake of being redundancy.

It was an amazing feeling though. I thought i would be sad, but i'm not. i'm really glad i got to catch this. that's the way i would want to go if i were in a band like that. So again. Thank you Copeland. For getting me through tough times and being such an inspiration to me.

In other news i finally got to meet Sarah, one of the cofounders of Faceless International. It was like we had already known each other for more than 5 seconds that we had. i'm looking forward to developing a relationship with her. This world needs a lot more people like her. Anyway. it's late. I need some sleep. Just thought i would put something down since it's been a while

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