
New jams for your ears

Go buy the new album by The Classic Crime. It's called Vagabonds. It's absolutely incredible. Also, if you haven't heard the latest Deas Vail album, get that too. It's called Birds and Cages. It came out a while ago, but I'm behind. No need to even preview them. Take my word. Have I steered you wrong yet?


Also since I'm posting links, click on the one that says Faceless International to your right. They're doing great things. People doing great things need support so they can continue doing great things. Take a minute of your time. Even if you can't monetarily help out, you can at least become educated on some things that are happening in the world right under our noses. Terrible things. But terrible things that can be stopped. Tell a friend. Tell a few friends. Do what you can. You can change the world. We can all change the world. How long will we sit and wait before we do something?

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