
Technological soup for the tinkering soul

I'll probably get sued for that title. And when I go bankrupt I'll ask myself if it was worth it. I'll respond with, no...it was not. Seriously though. Technology is so weird. The things you can do on an iPod are currently blowing my mind. At this second, I am currently typing this blog from mine, while controlling my iTunes on my computer in the studio remotely which is hooked up to a wireless and transmitting it to speakers in my bedroom. Just before that, I remotely accessed my computer and backed up the mixes I did today to my external drive. All while under the covers. in my bed. These are free apps, mind you. Oh and I also used this is a mouse/trackpad earlier on my computer. I wonder when the first record will be made completely on an iPod. Or when you can drive a car with one. Or when you can control a robot to wash dishes, mow the lawn, get groceries, and tune vocals with one. It's incredible to me. I just wonder what's next.

I'll leave you with this conspiracy provoking thought. If all of this, plus things like starting your car and turning your house lights on and off, is available on a device that fits in my hand...why does my 18 year old car get better gas mileage than most cars out now?

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