
Idea. More of a wish that will never happen. Whenever i have those moments in life where i know what i'm trying to emote to someone, yet can't find the words, i wish i could just give them a song. Music makes everything so much better. For one, it puts a bunch of random thoughts into perfect poetry. For two, the melody and instruments behind the words make them so much more meaningful. You could write a song about a recent breakup with all of your raw, sad, and depressing emotions, put a beautiful melody behind it and then it becomes a song of hope. You could also write a song about being in love with the same melody and instead of a sappy love song, it is pure and beautiful and has a whole new meaning. I just think the best way to express your true emotions is by combining poetry with melody. I don't think the full extent can be grasped without it. Instead of a thought, you have a journey. Instead of a sentence, you have a story. Emotions are an odd thing to grasp, much less explain. I feel emotions every day that they haven't even named. The closest thing to describing them is with a song. Wouldn't it be wonderful if that was how we shared our feelings? My song tonight is The Symphony of Blasé by Anberlin.

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