1. Touring Van
We need something to tour in other than what we have now. I started thinking about the things that were important: Safety, security, and space. Well...I've found it. It only goes 40 mph. But I would like to see someone try to break into this thing. Not to mention it has a 400 watt PA system, so no need for a venue! Just pull up wherever and play the show from the roof!
2. A way to make my life even lazier (part 1)
For some reason, whenever I sit in a chair with wheels, I feel like it is no longer necessary to stand up for the rest of the day. This soon becomes a problem, as my legs get tired from rolling, completely defeating the purpose. Not anymore. Now I can just grapple onto a doorframe, the refrigerator, or my roommate and pull myself wherever I go. This is such a genius idea. This device should be renamed from "Ninja Grappling Hook" to "Pull Yourself Around In A Rolly Chair Thingy".
3. Sleep Jams
Ever been listening to Radiohead while trying to sleep? It's all good until that chorus to Creep kicks in and you're startled awake. Wish there was a way to listen to Radiohead without the loud distortion and drums? THERE IS!!! Introducing the greatest album of all time: Rockabye Baby! Lullaby Renditions of Radiohead. This is so sure to put me to sleep that I don't even need a backup plan. Why wasn't this around on cassette tape or 8-track when I was a baby? I want this now! However, I probably would have cried if I saw the album cover. Definitely not kid material.
4. Lazy (Part 2)
This one's for Whitney. So I try to floss as much as I can. But sometimes, that extra minute is just too hard on my life. I could be doing so many other things with that minute, that it would take me a minute to think of something, then another minute to do it, then realize I just wasted a minute thinking about it, and floss anyway. Now we're just losing time all over the place. Be more efficient with your oral hygiene! This device does both at the same time! I know, right? Genius. All it needs is a mouthwash injector. And maybe an iPod dock attached to it somewhere.
5. Ridiculous Coffee Maker
I want this. Not much to say about it. Do people who actually buy this even stop to think that there are people in the world that don't even get water? I mean...2 grand for some coffee? Someone has to be serious. I personally prefer my 15 dollar coffee maker and 15 dollar bean grinder. But if it costs this much...it has to be good. Right?
More to come later. I'm getting sleepy.
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