
Since i have a borrowed book and am choosing not to deface it with highlights, folded pages, notes, and random thoughts suitable for twitter, i thought i would post my favorite or thought provoking quotes on here. All of the following are from Donald Miller.

"life isn't memorable enough to remember everything. it's not like there are explosions happening all the time or dogs smoking cigarettes"

"one of the things that gives me hope is that, even with all the tragedy that happens in the world, the Bible says that when we get to heaven, there will be a wedding and there will be drinking and there will be dancing"

"we get robbed of the glory of life because we aren't capable of remembering how we got here"

"i've wondered, though, if one of the reasons we fail to acknowledge the brilliance of life is because we don't want the responsibilities inherent in the acknowledgement"

The next chapter seems important. i'd rather not be half asleep when i read it. Plus, Band of Horses has done a really good job of making me calm and relaxed. I hope sleep comes easier than last night. Switching to Kindo/Iron and Wine playlist. Goodnight, people that are interested in my story.

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