
Finals!!! WOOOO!!! YEA!!!

It's finals week. Which means long boring nights of studying and drinking a lot of coffee. I think I've become immune. I can drink 4 cups of coffee and go to sleep. So I'm taking a break from learning about the planets to write some stuff down.

With finals, also comes the end of another year of school. My third year of college is coming to a close, and it makes me think about how fast things are going by. It's weird thinking that in 2 years, I'll be done with school, never to have to worry about writing papers, or studying again. After 17 years of school I will have done my time. Everyone always says, "Enjoy college because after that comes real life." Yea, well I'm not planning on having a so called "real life". My life won't be an 8-5 where I have some manager tell me what to do all day. My life won't be sitting there day after day hating what I'm doing. I'm going to follow my dreams. I refuse to have a job other than playing music. Parents are always telling me how hard it is to make it in that type of field. But I say nay parents. It's not that hard if you try hard enough. Approximately 100 bands get signed each year. Those are good odds in my opinion. Especially seeing how I got about 30 years left before I have a heart attack from not eating healthy. If my calculations are correct, thats about 3000 bands that will get signed. And also seeing how we're actually good, I'll take my chances. Even though a lot of those are small indie labels, I don't care. If I'm making enough money to get by and doing what I love I could care less. If my job is getting up on stage and playing then I'll live off two pairs of clothes. I'll live in a house with 4 other guys. I'll take not having a big T.V. or a nice car. Those things don't matter to me. And I don't know why they do for anyone. For starters, what's the point in having a Lexus if you aren't happy? You'll eventually get tired of it. Then what? Buy another one and continue hating the fact that you're life is bland?

Disclaimer real quick: Not saying that all "normal" jobs are bad. My dreams differ from those of most and this is my opinion. If you're reading this and getting pissed because I'm describing you, ask yourself if you're happy. If the answer is yes, then I'm not talking about you.

Moving on...basically the last thing I want to do is be old and regretful. Even if this fails and I'm stuck without a job, I'll still be happy that I took the chance. But when it doesn't fail and I'm living out my dreams and making millions in the music industry...I will remember those who told me I wouldn't make it. I'll remember the ones who discouraged me. But I won't come back and slam them. That's not me. Hopefully I will be an encouragement for other people to follow their own dreams. Maybe even the ones who are discouraging me now. Because landing your dream job, or doing something you've always wanted to do isn't about luck. It's about persevering. Pushing through the hard times. Continuously asking yourself how bad you want it. And with that being said, I'll also remember the people who encouraged me. The people that had faith and told me I could make it. They will be rewarded.

I went off topic a little bit. That's what I normally do though. I just type as I think and my thoughts are very random. I guess my main point, or thesis if you will, is to never discourage other people from doing what they want. Don't tell people they won't make it. Don't tell people it's to hard. Because sometimes, they listen. I'm lucky I didn't.

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