
Words don't always need to be spoken

Tonight I had an experience that I will never forget. For the first time, I truly felt God working through me. We played a show tonight at a Christian event. We were skeptical going on, especially since the previous band was a worship band, then a man shared his testimony, then they had an alter call. Not what we're used to at all. But we went out there anyway and played just like we always play. After the show, we had people lined up at our merch table, young and old, asking for pictures and autographs. One man actually had us sign his bible. Then a woman came up and said to us, " I have been debating whether or not to come over and tell you this, but I feel like God wants me to. I grew up listening to rock and roll and used to go see bands like ACDC and didn't know how it was affecting my life. I just want to let you know that God is using you and you guys are making a difference, and I can see God in you." After she said that, I was truly humbled. I realized for the first time, that God really was with us 100 percent. We didn't preach, we didn't play worship songs, and we didn't even say anything about being Christians, but she felt it. Other people felt it. That's God. That was not us. I realized that everything we do as a band is for God. This isn't my band. It belongs to God, and it is our way of serving him. To be able to send out a message without even saying a word about God...that's powerful. That's something big. This is what I believe we have that other bands don't. This is our way of reaching out to people. And I feel like this is a huge step towards something big. We had no right to take credit for what we did tonight. It all belongs to God. And I am perfectly fine with that.

Finally...I'm starting to get a picture of what God is about to unfold in my life. And I love it. I pray that he will continue to use me in this way to minister to people who need it.

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