
White lies, bloodshot eyes

I'm in zombie mode right now. I'm basically surviving on caffeine and have a hard time showing any emotion. Or feeling any emotion for that matter. Kind of like in Garden State. Except I'm not taking pills. Just drinking heavy amounts of coffee to contradict the stress and sloth. Since I am not really feeling any emotions, this post might be more logical than raw. I dunno. We'll see what happens.

I watched an episode of Sex and the City the other day. Don't ask. Don't judge. I just did. I immediately noticed that the girls in this show freak out over the absolute dumbest things. Things that aren't big deals suddenly become blown way out of proportion just by the mere fact of gossip between all of their friends. This actually angered me. Yes. I was angered over a stupid TV show. Then I started to realize that this is a cause to a lot of problems in society today. Meaningless and stupid crap gets blown out of proportion by rumors. It gets so skewed that the truth doesn't even matter anymore. I try to stay out of politics, but this was the "cause" of going to Iraq. There were rumors of WMD's. Not based on fact or truth. Rumors. Turned out not to be true. But we have soldiers fighting over there. Whether or not they should be is not my call. This is not the time, nor the place for that. My point is that people are so obsessed with drama that they can't live without it. They will make decisions based off opinions rather than fact. I mean, we have television shows promoting drama that are eaten up. Do you think all of the drama in these reality shows is real? Of course not. It's scripted to get better ratings. Why do they get better ratings? Because people eat it up.

Our society is addicted to drama. It's killing us. Friendships are ruined. Truth no longer matters. What is truth anymore? Has it really been conformed into rumors and opinions? If I start a rumor that the color orange is now green does that make it true? No, that sounds silly. But translate it into real life and it is happening. We have developed a way to create our own truths. The simple fact is, the truth is too boring for us. Too mundane. It's almost like we have to have a grudge at all times. If everyone is forgiven, we must find more false information in order to start drama with someone else.

Are people so bored with their own lives that they have to ruin others? Apparently. The saddest thing of all? Reality TV shows are now very much real. Because our society has molded themselves to these shows. This is not how life is supposed to be. My life is not supposed to take a hit when I did absolutely nothing wrong. I am not supposed to feel like crap because of something I didn't even do. So I won't. I still know what my own truths are. I can still tell the difference between fact and fiction. I still trust people when they look me in the eyes and tell me they are telling the truth.

Do you let other people define your truth?

Or do you stand by what you believe is real?

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